Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
Taking this opportunity, we would like to express our highest respect and we are pleased to inform you on the following.
On June 8-9, 2017 an annual International Conference “Internal Control, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Fraud Issues” will be held in Kyiv, Ukraine. The theme of the Conference has been chosen in order to promote and popularize actual practices of fighting corruption and fraud in the private and public sector. We look forward to your presence at the event as a Guest. As our guest, we are confident that you are find a wonderful opportunity for networking, to get new experience, share
your achievements and success in our coffee breaks and panel discussion and, of course, to find a best practice of internal control and anti-corruption world.
To spread the best experience we attracted the best highly experienced practitioners and professionals from Italy, Cyprus, Austria, Portugal, Turkey, Great Britain, Poland and other countries. In addition to the presentations, during conference will be conducted panel discussion with participation of the National Bank of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kyiv City State Administration, and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine.
Within the guests and speakers representatives of the Central Bank of Ukraine, Cyprus, Turkey, Italy, Slovenia, Armenia and Georgia will be present at the Conference.
One of the key speaker at the conference is Dr. Felice Isnardi, Deputy Attorney General Appeals Court of Milan, one of the leading Italian experts in the field of law. Dr. Felice Isnardi was a guest speaker at a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on fight against organized crime and corruption. During the Conference, all participants have a unique chance to listen to the report and to talk with Mr. Isnardi personally in a non-formal environment.
In-depth information of speakers, partners and all Conference details you can find at Conference’s web site:
We would like to get a positive feedback on your decision nearest future, meanwhile, we are providing special offer for you:
- As of late invitation, we freeze Early Birds Price – €300 per each participant;
- 5% discount for 3 or more participants from the same company (the same group of companies);
- Additional 10% discount for members of the Institute of Internal Auditors;
- 30% discount for accommodation in the Conference’s hotel (http://www.alfavito.com.ua).
If you are interested, please provide your positive feedback to the Organizational Committee’s email address: conference@iia.org.ua in order to ensure comfortable support to your participation in the conference. Sponsors packages also available. Please contact us for details.
Hope for further successful cooperation!
Best regards,
Organizational Committee
+38 (050) 063 85 64